Guide | MobiPOS  >  Online Booking  >  Block Booking  

Block Booking

You can choose to block out a time range to prevent customer from booking that period.
To do so, make sure the date of the day is correct before doing Block Booking.
Click on Block Booking located at the top.

block booking in timeline view

Proceed to select the start and end time of the blocking as shown in the screenshot below.

select start and end time of block booking

Click on Confirm and you will see in the timeline that booking is being blocked from 8:00pm to 11:00pm.

booking timeline view with blocked time

Edit Block Booking

To edit the block booking, simply click on the blocked area.

click blocked booking edit

Click Edit Block.

select new block end time update

Proceed to change the time and click on Update.
You will see the block booking time being updated.

updated booking block time timeline

Remove Block Booking

To lift/delete the block booking, click on the blocked area and choose Remove Block.
The block booking will be removed and customer can book at the specified time again.

remove booking block from timeline